2024-2025 PTSA Programs


Join us for our first Lunch & Learn of the year!
It's all about the College Admissions Process and is a great topic for all our families, especially sophomores and juniors!
PTSA will provide lunch and a drink so please RSVP at:

 2023-2024 PTSA Programs
Allen High School/Lowery Freshman Center PTSA is proud to offer "The Dangers Facing Our Students".  It is a parent education program presented by School Resource Officer Ramirez. 


 2022-2023 PTSA Programs

Miss any of our wonderful programs during the school year?  We've got you covered!  Each event was recorded.  Check out below for the links.


Xello Overview for High Schoolers 


This school year, Allen High School replaced Naviance with Xello.  It is a program designed to help get our kids ready for college or careers after high school. 


This program targets parents of sophomores and juniors, but all are welcome to watch!  AHS College and Career Counselor Chanteau White provided an overview of Xello as well as a tour of the College and Career Website.


The Allen High School/Lowery Freshman Center PTSA hosted a Brown Bag Lunch and Learn featuring the College and Career Advisory Team.


 Link to Presentation

February 2022 Program: Learning About the Dangers Facing Our Students


Thanks to everyone who joined us for this PTSA program and to Officer Centeno for sharing such important info. 


If you missed it, we have a link to it available. 

The passcode is: +*MkG4MP

Link to Recording


The Allen High School/Lowery Freshman Center PTSA hosted a Brown Bag Lunch and Learn featuring the College and Career Advisory Team.


Topics covered included the College Application Process, College and Career Department Resources and Introduction to Xello (the new College and Career Readiness Software).

If you missed it, please see the presentation on the link below.

Thanks to all those who attended!

If you missed it, please see the presentation on the link below.
